Home for the first time after 6 weeks of colporteuring. I arrived to find out that my dog Hancock had been killed by 3 pit-bulls. Very-much sad for my family and I, but I'm thankful my parents decided not to tell my brother and I until we got home...
Literature evangelism has been interesting, amazing, frustrating, life-altering, productive, eye-opening and much more. God has clearly been leading in my life. Change is certainly not easy, but as I have been desiring it in my life God has been leading me in it. Learning to expect good is one change. I heard in a testimony that there is an entire storehouse in heaven full of gifts that God's people have neglected to ask for. Gifts that go right along with furthering ministries, or reaching others in our walk with Christ. Things ranging from vehicles and computers, to more rain and even life. Christ has no limits on his love. For that I am thankful.
Since I've been home, it has been so relaxing to simply enjoy the gift of being with my family, eating good food and even shopping a bit for things to decorate/complete my new apartment. That, I admit is one of my favorite things to do. It's so much fun to dream and to bring to reality ideas. Even shopping on a dime is quite enjoyable. Even preferable. If I was loaded, I would still shop for sales and DIY ideas. God has blessed me with a creative-oriented brain... I may as well use it. Now, science and math... not my forte, but artistically God has blessed. That's my niche, and I hope to use that gift for Him to the best of my ability.
Only four more weeks of colporteuring...
Then on to finishing these last 3 semesters...